Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Peter Schiff: "I Don't Trust the Government"

Peter Schiff is often times the lone sane voice in the wilderness, and his effectiveness is amplified whenever he appears on mainstream television. In the CNBC clip below, Schiff is cornered by three smarmy pundits who begrudgingly admit all of Schiff's predictions have come true - and now they want to know when Schiff will be bullish on the market again!

Schiff's book
Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse is outstanding. He dispells conventional economic wisdom at every turn, and his advice is logical, simple, and consistent. Although he has been labeled "Dr. Doom" by his counterparts on mainstream television, Schiff's demeanor throughout the book is positive. In addition to explaining the causes of our present economic woes, Schiff also maps out a strategy for survival as well as profitability during the rough times ahead. Crash Proof and the investment advice found within is the silver lining on the omninous economic storm clouds.

The entire interview is worth watching, but the best part is near the end (around the 6:30 mark) where Schiff succinctly explains his investment strategy when he says:

"I don't trust the government. They've got an agenda, they've got a vested interest, and they're not telling the truth...I'm trying to make my clients money"

Well said, Mr. Schiff. Here's to hoping your wisdom doesn't continue to fall on deaf ears.

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