Friday, June 13, 2008

Ron Paul on Neil Cavuto

Although he officially dropped out of the race yesterday, Congressman Paul still plans to hold an "alternative" convention in Minneapolis in early September at the same time as the Republican National Convention. He chatted with FOX News' Neil Cavuto about his reasons for holding an alternative convention and what that means for the Presidential campaign of John McCain.

Predictably, Cavuto asked the expected questions of Dr. Paul (will he continue his run independently, is he trying to sabotage McCain's bid, etc.) but what stuck out to me in this interview was Dr. Paul's response to how much of his motivation to hold an alternative convention was driven out of anger. What followed is what I believe to be Dr. Paul's finest answer he's given throughout his campaign.

Dr. Paul responded that he's not an angry person, that he deals in philosophy, and that the reason he's holding an alternative convention is because he's determined to change the way people think about government. Whatever fun I've made of the FOX audience in the past aside, I sincerely hope a portion of Dr. Paul's answer resonates with them. As Dr. Paul explains, there's very little difference--philosophically and otherwise--between the major political parties today...thereby adding greater importance to the need to hear alternative viewpoints.

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