Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ron Paul on Inflation, Iran, and Thursday's DOW Plunge

It's a shame few elected officials were present during Ron Paul's excellent speech tying together our present economic, domestic, and foreign policies as well as demonstrating how those policies have caused worldwide panic. It is impossible to discuss recent price surges without an understanding of the forces that drive up those prices: reckless monetary policies of the Federal Reserve. If you want to work to lower prices, you must first work to curb inflation.

I'm certain Dr. Paul's speech will get next-to-no airtime tomorrow. Instead, pundits will go about their business, leading the witch hunt for businessmen and speculators who are somehow "responsible" for high consumer prices. Indeed, sometimes the truth is an ugly thing - but by refusing to confront it you only compound your present woes. Listening to Dr. Paul's five minute speech is a perfect place to start.

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