Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Hensley - McCain Family Fortune

John McCain: murderer, warmonger...war profiteer?

It appears war has been good business for the McCain's - not only does John McCain enjoy unearned status as a war hero after murdering Vietnamese civilians, but his wife Cindy Hensley McCain stands to reap handsome profits as the primary beer distributor for our fighting forces. With John McCain serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee, certainly the potential exists for preferential treatment to be bestowed upon the Hensley distribution firm.

Anheuser-Busch has a history of hiring big-time military men as brokers to ensure their products maintain a strong presence at overseas bases. After departing his post as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Hugh Shelton secured a lucrative position on Anheuser-Busch's board of directors. According to the article, Shelton's responsibilities include:

"...advising the company and its distributorships like Hensley Beer regarding which senators, congressmen and military procurement officers to call to facilitate the distribution of hundreds of thousands of Anheuser-Busch bottles of water and nonalcoholic beer products to troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan."
A thorough examination of Mrs. McCain's tax forms should shed light on how much she's profited from distribution of Anheuser-Busch products within a war zone. Coincidentally, she has filed for an extension and, barring application for another extension later this year, the records may become public in October.

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