Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bravo, Mr. Kucinich!

Although his motion is not likely to bear any fruit, Congressman Dennis Kucinich should be applauded for introducing articles of impeachment against President George Bush yesterday.

I enjoyed watching Kucinich during the Democratic Presidential Primary debates. In spite of my philosophical differences with the man, I always thought he presented a cogent, understandable, and refreshing point of view - especially when contrasted against establishment candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

The case for impeachment against Bush is not short on material, that's for sure. From lying about Iraqi WMDs to his shameless disregard for the Constitution and human rights, it could be argued that the Bush presidency was one marked by abject failure. Pundits and certain members of the media like to pretend that history may yet vindicate the Bush administration, but it's far more likely that history will remember Bush and his cronies as the group that bungled everything it got its hands on.

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