Thursday, May 15, 2008

Doug Feith: PWNED!

Play a vital role in deceiving the America public into war, contribute to the death of thousands of Americas and millions of Iraqis, write a book and - presto! - you're a millionaire. Welcome to the bizarro world of Doug Feith.

A bumbling, stammering Feith tries to justify the Bush Administration's actions in the run up to the Iraqi invasion. His repeated references to "this administration" and "the administration" is a clever attempt to shift the blame: Doug, weren't you a part of the administration?

I pity anyone who wastes his or her money on Feith's ridiculous attempt to rationalize the war on terror and remove any blame from his shoulders.

Overall, a very good interview by Jon Stewart. I haven't seen much Comedy Central recently, but if this is Stewart's normal approach, I'm going to start watching more.

Part I:

Part II:

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