Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ron Paul on CNN's American Morning

In my (heavily biased) opinion, this is by far Ron Paul's best performance in an interview. From start to finish, Dr. Paul displays why he's the only candidate with consistent, principled views on the economy, the war, and civil liberties. His book, The Revolution: A Manifesto, is a brilliant roadmap that offers direction to disenfranchised conservatives (as well as liberals) who find no hope in our present slate of mainstream candidates and desire a return to traditional American principles such as sound money, a non-interventionist foreign policy, and market-driven solutions to present economic woes. Only Ron Paul has the answer, and he comes across as America's physician in this interview:

I especially enjoyed Paul's contention that, if John McCain is the party's nominee, then why waste all the taxpayer money in having a convention? From Nevada to Minnesota and beyond, organized (as well as active) Paul supporters refuse to accept the status quo and continue to use the democratic process to press for recognition of their candidate. Shame on the GOP for overtly discriminating against Paul's followers. Based on the strength of Paul supporters at caucuses nationwide, perhaps the GOP elite will admit there's more than a "handful" of Paul supporters spamming those online polls?

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