Friday, March 14, 2008

Light Posting Today...

Apologies to my zero fans, but today will be a light posting day. My employer dared make me work, decreasing the likelihood that I'll be able to comment on much.

To satisfy the eager reader, I have employed a guest writer to take over for today. Look for an article a little later this morning or early this afternoon.

In the interim, I'll link to an article on LRC by Murray Rothbard concerning America's Great Depression. Rothbard briefly summarizes two books on the topic, dispelling the myth that capitalism caused the greatest economic calamity in our country's history. I've read Rothbard's book, "America's Great Depression," and am convinced that the blame for the causes (and subsequent length) of the Depression can be laid directly at the feet of American politicians rather than those greedy capitalists.

Rothbard's book is especially relevant today for people seeking to understand what is happening in our economy. With gold prices hovering around the $1000 mark and Bush finally hinting that America "might be, could be, sort-of are in the quasi-early stages of a possible recession" it would behoove people to start taking actions to protect themselves against the inevitable bear market. Once you understand how money works you'll look at government, the Fed, and so-called "public goods" in a whole new light.

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